Cozy warm winter evenings guaranteed!
I love log fires! You too?
It is a completely different, more natural and homely warmth than that of the central heating.
Together with a delicious hot cup of tea, cocoa, milk, a well-filled plate of homemade cookies or other Christmas treats and a good book or film, it is almost the best thing about winter for me.
Required material:
Wax residues
Pot of water
small high pot to melt
Fill the pot a little over halfway with water.
Fill the smaller pot with leftover wax and place it in the large one.
Make sure that the small pot cannot tip over and that the water in the large one remains about 7-10 cm below the edge of the pot.
Reduce the amount if necessary.
Heat the water bath slowly, stay below the boiling point.
Caution, the water bath can bubble and splash violently through the air that collects under the smaller pot!
Let the wax melt slowly and completely.
Turn off the stove.
Using meat tongs or similar cone by cone, dip it completely into the liquid wax and set it aside to dry.
Beware, wax gets very hot, so I recommend wearing kitchen gloves.
Let the cones cool / dry completely.
Repeat the process and then let it cool down completely
Is now beautiful long fireside chats nothing in the way!
The information contained here was compiled by me to the best of my knowledge and belief. Since nobody is free of errors, it is advisable to do your own research on this topic.
Natural remedies do not replace a doctor!
All content without guarantee, subject to change.