Nowadays, when soap / washing bars are made of synthetic materials and have nothing to do with “real” or natural soap, the use of oils and fats from nature has become alien to us. The idea that simple olive, rapeseed or sunflower oil from the kitchen could be used to make soap, which can be used not only for cleaning but also for body and hair, usually provokes disbelief in the head. Disgust is particularly great when using animal fats and oils. Let us think mainly of slaughterhouse waste, rotten meat and the animal.And yet, many soaps from supermarkets and drugstores contain animal fats / oils. Soaps with animal fat are characterized by a high cleaning effect and strong fat dissolving power.Beef tallow, also known as INCI, is to be found in the ingredients as “Sodium Tallowate”. Mainly in cleaning soaps such as curd soap or gall soap.
The use of sebum has a very long tradition. Animal fats and oils were already an important component in soap production around 2300 years ago, especially in Central Europe. The first peoples who are known to produce soap with animal fats and oils are the Germanic peoples and the Celts. At that time one could not afford to waste any raw materials and so the entire animal was used. Therefore, you mainly used deer, sheep, goat and beef tallow, which mainly came from bone fat and waste, as the basis for your soap recipe. Saponified with potash creates a very soft soap paste that was used for body cleansing or as a pomade by men. Pliny the Elder described them in his work "Historia Naturalis". The Gauls used a similar recipe. However, due to its high alkaline value, this was too hot for the body and was therefore used to wash out wool fat (lanolin) and bleach (redden) hair. Sources for this ancient soap can be found in the writings of Galen of Pergamon.
Use of animal fats and oils in body soap:
Animal fats and oils from A - Z
Badger Fat / Roof Fat
INCI: Badger Fat / Roof Fat
German: Dachsfett
* Saponification numbers: NaOH 0.139 / KOH 0.195
* Unsaponifiable:
* Iodine number: 71
Bear Tallow:
INCI: Bear Tallow
German: Bärenfett
* Saponification numbers: NaOH 0,139 / KOH 0,195
* Unsaponifiable:
* Iodine number: 92
Beef tallow:
INCI: Adeps Bovis
German: Rindertalg
* Saponification numbers: NaOH 0.143 / KOH 0.200
* Unsaponifiables: 0.3
* Iodine number: 45
Breast milk:
INCI: Breast Milk Fat
German: Muttermilch
* Saponification numbers: NaOH 0.148 / KOH 0.205
* Unsaponifiables: 0.3
* Iodine number: 42
Butter, Cow:
INCI: Butter, Cow
German: Butter, Kuh
*Verseifungszahlen: NaOH 0,164 / KOH 0,230
*Unverseifbares: 0,4
*Jodzahl: 30
Chicken Lard:
INCI: Chicken Fat
German: Hühnerschmalz
* Saponification numbers: NaOH 0.139 / KOH 0.195
* Unsaponifiables: 0.1
* Iodine number: 69
Chamois fat:
INCI: Chamois Fat
German: Gämsenfett
* Saponification numbers: NaOH 0.147 / KOH 0.204
* Unsaponifiable:
* Iodine number: 25
Clarified butter, Cow / Gee :
INCI: Gee, Cow / Clarified Butter
German: Butterschmalz, Kuh / Gee / geklärte Butter
* Saponification numbers: NaOH 0.162 / KOH 0.227
* Unsaponifiable:
* Iodine number: 30
Clarified butter, goat:
INCI: Clarified Butter, goat / Gee, goat
German: Butterschmalz, Ziege
* Saponification numbers: NaOH 0.167 / KOH 0.234
* Unsaponifiable:
* Iodine number: 30
Claw Oil:
INCI: Neatsfood Oil
German: Klauenöl
* Saponification numbers: NaOH 0.128 / KOH 0.180
* Unsaponifiable:
* Iodine number: 90
Cod liver oil:
INCI: Gadi Lecur Oil
German: Lebertran (Dorsch)
* Saponification numbers: NaOH 0.133 / KOH 0.187
* Unsaponifiable: 1.2
* Iodine number:
Deer tallow:
INCI: Deer Tallow
German: Hirschtalg
* Saponification numbers: NaOH 0.138 / KOH 0.193
* Unsaponifiable:
* Iodine number: 31
Duck Fat, flesh and skin:
INCI: Duck Fat, Flesh and Skin
German: Entenschmalz
* Saponification numbers: NaOH 0.138 / KOH 0.194
* Unsaponifiable:
* Iodine number: 72
Emu Oil:
INCI: Dromiceius Oil
German: Emuöl
* Saponification numbers: NaOH 0.135 / KOH 0.190
* Unsaponifiables: 0.2
* Iodine number: 60
Eel Oil:
INCI: Eel Oil
German: Aalöl
*Saponification numbers: NaOH 0.139 / KOH 0.195
* Unsaponifiables: 0.8
* Iodine number: 118
Fallow Deer Tallow:
INCI: Fallow Deer Tallow
German: Damhirschtalg
* Saponification numbers: NaOH 0.140 / KOH 0.196
* Unsaponifiable:
* Iodine number: 24
Goat tallow:
INCI: Adeps Caprae
German: Ziegentalg
* Saponification numbers: NaOH 0.137 / KOH 0.192
* Unsaponifiable:
* Iodine number: 40
Goat milk fat:
INCI: Adeps Caprae
German: Ziegenmilchfett
* Saponification numbers: NaOH 0.165 / KOH 0.230
* Unsaponifiable: 0.5
* Iodine number: 30
Goose Lard:
INCI: Goose Fat
German: Gänseschmalz
* Saponification numbers: NaOH 0.137 / KOH 0.192
* Unsaponifiables: 0.4
* Iodine number: 65
Hare fat / Field hare fat:
INCI: Rabbit Fat
German: Hasenfett / Feldhasenfett
* Saponification numbers: NaOH 0.144 / KOH 0.201
* Unsaponifiable:
* Iodine number: 85
Horse fat:
INCI: Horse Oil
German: Pferdefett
* Saponification numbers: NaOH 0.140 / KOH 0.196
* Unsaponifiable: 0.5
* Iodine number: 79
INCI: Lanolin
Englisch: Lanolin, liquide Wax
Deutsch: Lanolin / Wollfett
*Verseifungszahlen: NaOH 0,760 / KOH 0,106
*Unverseifbares: 42
*Jodzahl: 27
INCI: Adeps Suillus
English: Lard, Pig Tallow
German: Schweineschmalz
* Saponification numbers: NaOH 0.141 / KOH 0.198
* Unsaponifiables: 0.2
* Iodine number: 57
Mare's milk fat:
INCI: Mare's Milk Fat
German: Stutenmilchfett
* Saponification numbers: NaOH 0.163 / KOH 0.228
* Unsaponifiable:
* Iodine number:
Marmot Oil:
INCI: Marmot Oil
German: Murmeltieröl
* Saponification numbers: NaOH 0.139 / KOH 0.195
* Unsaponifiable:
* Iodine number: 110
Milk fat, cow / buffalo:
INCI: Milk Fat, any bovine
German: Milchfett, Kuh / Büffel
* Saponification numbers: NaOH 0.162 / KOH 0.227
* Unsaponifiables: 0.4
* Iodine number: 30
Mink oil:
INCI: Mink Oil
German: Nerzöl
* Saponification numbers: NaOH 0.140 / KOH 0.196
* Unsaponifiables: 0.4
* Iodine number: 5
Moose fat:
INCI: Moose Fat, Elk Fat
German: Elchfett
* Saponification numbers: NaOH 0.138 / KOH 0.194
* Unsaponifiable:
* Iodine number: 35
Mutton fat:
INCI: Mutton Fat
German: Hammelfett
* Saponification numbers: NaOH 0.139 / KOH 0.195
* Unsaponifiables: 0.2
* Iodine number: 40
Nutria Oil:
INCI: Nutria Oil
Deutsch: Nutria Oil
*Verseifungszahlen: NaOH 0,141 / KOH 0,197
*Jodzahl: 90
Ostrich fat:
INCI: Ostrich Oil
German: Strausenfett
* Saponification numbers: NaOH 0.139 / KOH 0.195
* Unsaponifiable:
* Iodine number: 97
Rabbit fat / wild rabbit fat:
INCI: Rabbit Fat, Cony Fat
German: Kaninchenfett / Wildkaninchenfett
* Saponification numbers: NaOH 0.145 / KOH 0.202
* Unsaponifiable:
* Iodine number: 68
Robe fat / seal fat / sea lion fat:
INCI: Seal Fat, Sea Dog Fat, Sea Lion Fat
German: Robenfett/Seehundfett/Seelöwenfett
* Saponification numbers: NaOH 0.135 / KOH 0.190
* Unsaponifiables: 0.8
* Iodine number: 156
Roe Deer tallow:
INCI: Roe Deer Tallow
German: Rehtalg
* Saponification numbers: NaOH 0.142 / KOH 0.199
* Unsaponifiables: 0.3
* Iodine number: 32
Salmon oil:
INCI: Salmon Oil
German: Lachsöl
* Saponification numbers: NaOH 0.132 / KOH 0.185
* Unsaponifiables: 4.4
* Iodine number: 106
Sheep milk fat:
INCI: Sheep Milk Fat
German: Schaffmilch, Fett
* Saponification numbers: NaOH 0.170 / KOH 0.235
* Unsaponifiable: 0.5
* Iodine number: 34
Sheep Tallow:
INCI: Sheep Tallow
German: Schafftalg
* Saponification numbers: NaOH 0.139 / KOH 0.195
* Unsaponifiables: 0.2
* Iodine number: 54
Wild boar fat:
INCI: Wild Boar Fat
German: Wildschweinfett
* Saponification numbers: NaOH 0.139 / KOH 0.195
* Unsaponifiable:
* Iodine number: 97
* Saponification numbers / unsaponifiables (proportion of unsaponifiable substances) / iodine numbers indicate mean values with a calculated safety factor, since oils / fats are natural products subject to fluctuations!
The information contained here was compiled by me to the best of my knowledge and belief. Since nobody is free of errors, it is advisable to do your own research on this topic.
Natural remedies do not replace a doctor!
All content without guarantee, subject to change !!!